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Estació de Sants


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Orange Route

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9 - 13 min
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5 points of interest
Location: Plaça dels Països Catalans, 1, 7, 08014 Barcelona

Here you will find the central station of the railway network of Barcelona and is where you can also find one of the city’s bus station and the Ave highspeed train. Next to it is the Spanish Industrial Park, which dates back to the manufacturing past of the district of Sants. In fact, the Park was built on the site of one of the main textile factories of the 19th century which was knownas “El Vapor Nuevo” (The new Steam) or “La España Industrial”. Constructed in 1846, this factory once employed people from all over Spain. Also we can see one interesting urban-desing intervention of the mid-eighties: The Plaça dels Països Catalans, the city’s first “hard square”.
