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Saint Jordi in Barcelona

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Any true legend must have at least a princess, a knight and a dragon. This is the case of the legend of Sant Jordi, which explains how a savage dragon struck terror into Montblanc citizens and kidnapped the princess. Then, Sant Jordi stabbed him to death with a sword. The blood of the dragon gave rise to a rose bush from where the knight picked a rose to offer to the princess.

This is the legend told to the children and that is why Sant Jordi cannot be understood without roses. Yet, another thing that can’t be missing are books, as in this same day the anniversary of Shakespeare death is commemorated. On this date there are a lot of book-signings on the best bookstores of the city. We recommend you visiting the ones placed on the main shopping centers of the city. Get off at stops 12 and 16 of west/orange route (Plaça d’Espanya and l’Illa Diagonal) to get to the shopping center Las Arenas and the Shopping center of l’Illa Diagonal or at stop 1 of routes east/green and west/orange to get to Las Ramblas and Passeig de Gràcia.

Sant Jordi is equivalent to Valentine’s Day in Catalonia. The lovers exchange roses and books. It’s also typical to stroll along the city while enjoying the cultural activities that take place and the special decoration of some parts of the city, like was the case of Casa Batlló last year.

With the tourist bus of Barcelona City Tour you will be able to move around the city and get to know one of the most representative celebrations of the culture of Catalonia. Get on and off the tourist bus, and why not? Buy your loved ones a rose or a book! Although love is to be expressed every day, receiving a present in a day like Sant Jordi makes us all feel special.

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